Wednesday, 4 December 2013


awesome song off the Into The Mind ski movie.

End Of Year (Nearly)

Well the end of the year is approaching and it will be my last year at primary school as I am hopefully leaving to Dunedin for high school (either that or I will go to CSC) so we have heaps of tests and stuff and the wearable arts challenge which I will not be attending (it's on tomorrow) as I am going to Dunedin to see all of my younger "cuzzy bros" and hopefully my older ones as well.
Cheers for reading I will try and keep you all updated, Andrew.

More music!!!!!!!!!

Noisia Live in Amsterdam.

Monday, 25 November 2013

End of Year Reflections

Something I am most proud of this year is my photography as I got selected to go to the REAP GATE photography course at St Thomas where my knowledge of photography has greatly improved over the two day course as before I want to the course I never knew what half the buttons did so now I am pleased to say that I know what the majority of buttons do. Another thing I am proud foe is my achievements in math as I have gotten better at probability and algebra the latter of which I knew nothing about at the start of the year and now enjoy. My favourite subject this years has been languages as I enjoyed learning German even though I can only remember 2 words and last but not least my goals, my goals for nest year is to continue learning German and maybe French or another language from Europe so that's my end of year reflection along with my goals and favourite subjects from this year.

Next time you need some music ;)


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Deep Cove

Yes I know it's taken ages for me to put a post on but we went to deep-cove on the start of term 4 and it was amazing I may not have many pictures because they are still on my camera. I managed to get in a team with my friend and we also shared a bunk-room (the bunks were horrible) so it was pretty fun and miss deep-cove was awesome as-well.
I can't think of much else to put on so I'll leave it at that cheers for reading, Andrew.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Minecraft in school

You may wonder why the hell we're allowed to play Minecraft during school hours but Jonty and I are working on several redstone calculators for our MADE awards project we are also working on a song but that may take to long to complete so we may not do it. We are using a program called Frapps to video our work then Jonty will make a e-book that shows you how to create a redstone calculator so if you ever feel the urgent need to create a redstone calculator just download it from the ebook store I will post the release date later.
Cheers readers, Andrew